Sherry new lewd ninja
Sherry new lewd ninja

sherry new lewd ninja

This is justified because the Light Hawk Wings are understood to be an expression of higher dimensional energy that can freely manipulate any aspect of ordinary spacetime.

  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Downplayed until the third series, where it becomes clear that being able to generate Light Hawk Wings means Tenchi suffers no ill effects of exposure to hard vacuum, or presumably any other type of hostile environment.
  • Sakuya ( tearfully): You know, you're really a lousy liar, Tenchi.

    sherry new lewd ninja

    Tenchi tries to explain, but Sakuya says that she can tell that he was lying when his nose starts twitching.

  • Bad Liar: Sakuya calls him this in episode 10 of Tenchi in Tokyo, when he went on a date with Ryoko instead of her.
  • Babies Ever After: While it's All There in the Manual, Tenchi will have several children with multiple members of his harem.
  • And the fact that the character essentially becomes stronger than the Chousin who created the universe is a strong hint too. It gets more obvious when you learn that the OVA is partly a showcase of Kajishima's personal harem fantasies.
  • Author Avatar: Tenchi Masaki and Masaki Kajishima.
  • After which, he tells her that he and the others didn't hate her and would have agreed to be friends with her had she simply asked.
  • In the second instance, it was comeuppance on the Big Bad for manipulating him and his family to split them apart, but was done mainly to calm her down as she had been in the midst of a Villainous Breakdown.
  • Though later in the film, Tenchi's grandfather reveals Ryoko had been acting on instinct to protect Tenchi, because she had sensed Mayuka was a threat to him. However, Tenchi apologizes for it immediately afterward, and tries to explain that he didn't know what to make of Mayuka but is willing to give her a chance because he did with all of the other girls who showed up at his house. Tenchi slaps Ryoko in the face on impulse to make her stop.
  • In the first instance, it was to break up the fight between Ryoko and Mayuka, in which Ryoko appeared to be the aggressor.
  • sherry new lewd ninja

  • Armor-Piercing Slap: He's done it twice: once in the second film ( The Daughter of Darkness), and once in the final episode of Tenchi in Tokyo.
  • Amnesiac God: He has lost his memory of being a god.
  • All-Loving Hero: Tenchi is the gentlest, most forgiving guy in his universe, ranging from tolerating the girls' hijinks most of the time to slapping and then embracing a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds in the middle of a sobbing Villainous Breakdown.
  • The main hero of the franchise, who is always presented as an ordinary high school student that ends up surrounded by women lusting after him as he struggles through various hijinks, and doesn't usually have much personality beyond that apart from being a nice guy.

    Sherry new lewd ninja